

Basic unit is Team. Inside the team there are contacts, tasks, group chats. Contact from one team cannot interact with contact from another team.

Each user in the team has an identifier in the form of d-<UID>. For historical reasons it is called JID.

The number of JID that user has depends on how many teams they are a part of. If the user is a part of 3 teams they have 3 JID s. If the user is new they have no JID s.

is_archive field

Nothing get deleted from the database. Instead the is_archive flag will be set. The exception are devices.

can_* fields

When a reply is received from a request there maybe an additional fields in the form of can_DO_SOMETHING. They mean β€œcan I do something with the returned object?”


  • {"can_send_message": false} in the self profile means that you can’t send message to yourself.

  • {"can_add_to_team": true} in the team means that you can add new participants to the team. (maybe you are the admin or owner)

In reality those fields to not exists in database - they are calculated on the fly.

They are needed to ensure that the logic is stored in a single place.

For example, we decided that its possible to send yourself a message. We only need to change the server now without any additional changes. Both web and mobile clients will change their logic.

Second example, eventually we might add new administrator role with tunnable rights. Using the can_* flags it will be backward compatible.


In the server root there is a /features.json file with fields that depend on installation. On different nodes different features might be enabled.

This file is not a part of API. API might have version changes, old APIs might get disabled but this file will always be present.

There is also features.js wrapper. If you run it as script it will automatically create window.FEATURES.