Enums index


Possible values:

  • direct

  • group

  • task


Possible values:

  • admin

  • member


Possible values:

  • bold

  • italic

  • underscore

  • strike

  • code

  • codeblock

  • quote

  • link

  • time

  • unsafe


Possible values:

  • sticker

  • newtask


Possible values:

  • plain

  • change

  • deleted

  • file

  • image

  • video

  • audiomsg

  • contact

  • pdf


Possible values:

  • owner

  • admin

  • member

  • guest


Possible values:

  • file

  • image

  • video

  • audio

  • imagefile

Type aliases


Base Type: ActiveUserDailyStat

Is array


Bot commands list

Base Type: BotCommand

Is array


Base Type: string


Date and time in RFC3339 format. Example: 2019-09-18T00:00:07.435409Z

Base Type: string


Base Type: string


Base Type: int


Color in #rrggbb format where rr, gg, bb are hexadecimal numbers from 00 to ff of red, green and blue channels correspondingly. (yellow would be #ffff00)

Base Type: string


Base Type: string


Base Type: string


Base Type: string

JSON objects index


Bot commands information

    key (string) β€” What should be inserted to the chat
    title (string) β€” What should be visible by user
    args (array[string]) β€” Command options, if any


ButtonColors button colors for app

    brand_static (RGBColor) β€” Brand static color
    brand_active (RGBColor) β€” Brand active color
    brand_disable (RGBColor) β€” Brand disable color
    simple_static (RGBColor) β€” Simple static color
    simple_active (RGBColor) β€” Simple active color
    simple_disable (RGBColor) β€” Simple disable color


Call participant device

    muted (boolean) β€” Device muted
    useragent (string) β€” Device description


Call participant

    jid (JID) β€” Contact id
    display_name (string) β€” Contact name
    role (string) β€” Contact role
    icon (string) β€” Contact icon
    muted (boolean) β€” Microphone muted. Computed from devices muted states
    devices (array[CallDevice]) β€” Member devices, strictly one for now


Chat (direct, group, task) representation

    jid (JID) β€” Group/Task/Contact id
    chat_type (ChatType) β€” Chat type
    base_gentime (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Base fields (not related to concrete participant) version
    gentime (number) β€” Chat fields related to concrete participant) version
    created (string) β€” Creation date, iso datetime
    display_name (string) β€” Title
    icons (IconData) β€” Icons info
    counters_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Include unread messages to counters
    can_call (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I call to this chat
    can_send_message (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I send message to this chat
    cant_send_message_reason (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Why I can’t send message to this chat (if can’t)
    collapsed (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Description collapsed. Used for tasks only
    draft (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Last message draft, if any
    draft_gentime (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Last message draft version, if any
    hidden (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Hidden chat
    notifications_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Push notifications enabled
    num_importants (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Number of important messages
    num_unread (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Unread counter
    num_unread_notices (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Mentions (@) counter
    last_message (Message) πŸ’₯ β€” Last message object
    last_read_message_id (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Last read message id, if any
    section (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Project / section id, if any
    changeable_fields (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” List of editable fields
    pinned (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Is chat pinned on top
    pinned_sort_ordering (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Sort ordering for pinned chat
    num_members (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Non-archive participants number
    can_delete (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I delete this chat
    description (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Group or task description
    markup (array[MarkupEntity]) πŸ’₯ β€” Markup entities for description field. Experimental
    feed (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Present in feed (main screen)
    pinned_message (Message) πŸ’₯ β€” Pinned message for this chat
    color_index (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Custom color index from table of colors. Tasks only
    num_items (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Items in checklist. Tasks only
    num_checked_items (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Checked items in checklist. Tasks only
    assignee (JID) πŸ’₯ β€” Assignee contact id. Tasks only
    num (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task number in this team
    observers (array[JID]) πŸ’₯ β€” Task followers id’s. TODO: rename to β€œfollowers”
    owner (JID) πŸ’₯ β€” Task creator
    task_status (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task status. May be custom
    title (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task title. Generated from number and description
    done (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task done date in iso format, if any
    done_reason (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task done reason, if any
    deadline (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task deadline in iso format, if any
    deadline_expired (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Is task deadline expired
    links (MessageLinks) πŸ’₯ β€” Links in description
    tags (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Task tags list, if any
    importance (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task importance, if available in team
    urgency (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task urgency, if available in team
    spent_time (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task spent time, number
    complexity (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task complexity, number
    linked_messages (array[any]) πŸ’₯ β€” Used for β€œCreate task from messages…”
    uploads (array[Upload]) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload uids for request, upload objects for response
    items (array[TaskItem]) πŸ’₯ β€” Checklist items. Task only
    parents (array[Subtask]) πŸ’₯ β€” Parent tasks
    tabs (array[TaskTabKey]) πŸ’₯ β€” Tab names
    status (GroupStatus) πŸ’₯ β€” My status in group chat
    members (array[GroupMembership]) πŸ’₯ β€” Group chat members
    can_add_member (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I add member to this group chat
    can_remove_member (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I remove member from this group chat
    can_change_member_status (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I change member status in this group chat
    can_change_settings (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” deprecated: use changeable fields
    default_for_all (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Any new team member will be added to this group chat
    readonly_for_members (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Readonly for non-admins group chat (Like Channels in Telegram but switchable)
    autocleanup_age (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Delete messages in this chat in seconds. Experimental function
    public (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can other team member see this task/group chat
    can_join (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I join to this public group/task
    can_delete_any_message (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I delete any message in this chat
    can_set_important_any_message (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I change Important flag in any message in this chat
    last_activity (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Date of the last message sent even if it was deleted
    draft_num (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Deprecated


Minimal chat representation

    jid (JID) β€” Group/Task/Contact id
    chat_type (ChatType) β€” Chat type
    display_name (string) β€” Title
    icons (IconData) β€” Icon data


Set of rules to apply to tasks for coloring

    uid (string) β€” Rule id
    priority (number) β€” Rule priority
    description (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Rule description
    color_index (number) β€” Color index
    section_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Project filter enabled
    section (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Project id if project filter enabled
    tags_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Tags filter enabled
    tags (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Tag ids if tags filter enabled
    task_status (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task status
    task_importance_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Task importance filter enabled
    task_importance (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task importance if task importance filter enabled
    task_urgency_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Task urgency filter enabled
    task_urgency (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task urgency if task urgency filter enabled



    jid (JID) β€” Contact Id
    node (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Node uid for external users
    display_name (string) β€” Full name in chats
    short_name (string) β€” Short name in chats
    contact_email (string) β€” Contact email in this team
    contact_phone (string) β€” Contact phone in this team
    icons (IconData) β€” Icons data
    gentime (number) β€” Object version
    role (string) β€” Role in this team
    mood (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Mood in this team
    status (TeamStatus) β€” Status in this team
    last_activity (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Last activity in this team (iso datetime)
    is_archive (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Contact deleted
    botname (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Bot name. Empty for users
    sections (array[string]) β€” Section ids
    can_send_message (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I send message to this contact
    cant_send_message_reason (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Why I can’t send message to this chat (if can’t)
    can_call (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I call to this contact
    can_create_task (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I create task for this contact
    can_import_tasks (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I import tasks in this team
    can_add_to_group (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I add this contact to group chats
    can_delete (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I remove this contact from team
    changeable_fields (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Changeable fields
    family_name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Family name
    given_name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Given name
    patronymic (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Patronymic, if any
    default_lang (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Default language code
    debug_show_activity (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Enable debug messages in UI
    dropall_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Enable remove all messages experimental features
    alt_send (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Use Ctrl/Cmd + Enter instead Enter
    asterisk_mention (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Use * as @ for mentions
    always_send_pushes (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Send push notifications even contact is online
    hide_pushes_content (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Hide pushes body
    timezone (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Timezone, if any
    quiet_time_start (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Quiet time start
    quiet_time_finish (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Quiet time finish
    focus_until (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Focus mode enabled until
    group_notifications_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Push notifications for group chats
    task_notifications_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Push notifications for task chats
    contact_short_view (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Short view in contact list
    group_short_view (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Short view in group list
    task_short_view (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Short view in task list
    contact_mshort_view (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Short view in contact list in mobile app
    group_mshort_view (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Short view in group list in mobile app
    auth_2fa_enabled (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Two-factor authentication is configured and confirmed
    auth_2fa_status (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Two-factor authentication status
    task_mshort_view (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Short view in task list in mobile app
    contact_show_archived (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Show archived contacts in contact list
    unread_first (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Show unread chats first in feed
    munread_first (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Show unread chats first in feed in mobile app
    can_add_to_team (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I add new members to this team
    can_manage_sections (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I manage contact sections in this team
    can_manage_projects (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I manage task projects in this team
    can_manage_tags (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I manage tags in this team
    can_manage_integrations (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I manage integrations in this team
    can_manage_color_rules (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I manage color rules in this team
    can_create_group (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I create group chats in this team
    can_join_public_groups (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I view/join public group in this team
    can_join_public_tasks (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I view/join public tasks in this team
    custom_fields (ContactCustomFields) πŸ’₯ β€” Extra contact fields
    can_delete_any_message (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Deprecated


Extra contact fields

    company (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Company
    department (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Department
    title (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Title
    mobile_phone (string) πŸ’₯ β€” MobilePhone
    source (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Import source
    ad_uid (string) πŸ’₯ β€” User UUID in Active Directory


Short contact representation

    jid (JID) β€” Contact Id
    display_name (string) β€” Full name in chats
    short_name (string) β€” Short name in chats
    icons (IconData) β€” Icons data
    gentime (number) β€” Object version


Country for phone numbers selection on login screen

    code (string) β€” Phone code
    iso (string) β€” Country ISO code
    name (string) β€” Country name
    default (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Selected by default
    popular (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Is popular, need to cache


Minimal chat representation for deletion

    jid (JID) β€” Group/Task/Contact id
    chat_type (ChatType) β€” Chat type
    gentime (number) β€” Chat fields (related to concrete participant) version
    is_archive (boolean) β€” Archive flag. Always true for this structure


Remind deleted message

    uid (string) β€” Remind id


Deleted task project or contact section

    uid (string) β€” Section uid
    gentime (number) β€” Object version


Delete tag message

    uid (string) β€” Tag id


Team deletion message. Readonly

    uid (string) β€” Team id
    is_archive (boolean) β€” Team deleted
    gentime (number) β€” Object version


Simple api for integrations /api/message or /tasks/[team]/[num]/message

    key (string) β€” Comma separated api keys (for /api/message calls only)
    message (string) β€” Message text. Required
    message_id (string) β€” Message uuid. Optional
    nopreview (boolean) β€” Disable links preview
    important (boolean) β€” Mark message as important
    silently (boolean) β€” Disable counters and push notifications
    convert_linebreaks (boolean) β€” Convert β€œ\n” to β€œ\n”



    char (string) β€” Unicode symbol
    key (string) β€” Text representation


Server information. Readonly

    host (string) β€” Current host
    build (string) β€” Build/revision of server side
    desktop_version (string) β€” Desktop application version
    front_version (string) β€” Webclient version
    app_title (string) β€” Application title
    landing_url (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Landing page address, if any
    app_schemes (array[string]) β€” Local applications urls
    userver (string) β€” Static files server address
    ios_app (string) β€” Link to AppStore
    android_app (string) β€” Link to Google Play
    ios_corp_app (string) β€” Link to AppStore for corporate app
    android_corp_app (string) β€” Link to Google Play for corporate app
    theme (string) β€” Default UI theme
    min_ios_version (string) β€” Minimal iOS application version required for this server. Used for breaking changes
    min_android_version (string) β€” Minimal android application version required for this server. Used for breaking changes
    min_corp_ios_version (string) β€” Minimal iOS corp application version required for this server. Used for breaking changes
    min_corp_android_version (string) β€” Minimal android corp application version required for this server. Used for breaking changes
    free_registration (boolean) β€” Free registration allowed
    max_upload_mb (number) β€” Maximum size of user’s upload
    max_linked_messages (number) β€” Maximum number of forwarded messages
    max_message_uploads (number) β€” Maximum number of message uploads
    max_username_part_length (number) β€” Maximum chars for: family_name, given_name, patronymic if any
    max_group_title_length (number) β€” Maximum chars for group chat name
    max_team_title_length (number) β€” Maximum chars for team name
    max_role_length (number) β€” Maximum chars for role in team
    max_mood_length (number) β€” Maximum chars for mood in team
    max_message_length (number) β€” Maximum chars for text message
    max_section_length (number) β€” Maximum length for contact’s sections names
    max_project_length (number) β€” Maximum length for project
    max_tag_length (number) β€” Maximum length for tags
    max_task_title_length (number) β€” Maximum length for task title
    max_color_rule_description_length (number) β€” Maximum length for ColorRule description
    max_url_length (number) β€” Maximum length for urls
    max_integration_comment_length (number) β€” Maximum length for Integration comment
    max_teams (number) β€” Maximum teams for one account
    max_message_search_limit (number) β€” Maximum search result
    multi_nodes (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Multi nodes mode (federation) enabled
    afk_age (number) β€” Max inactivity seconds
    auth_by_password (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Password authentication enabled
    auth_by_qr_code (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” QR-code / link authentication enabled
    auth_by_sms (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” SMS authentication enabled
    auth_2fa (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled
    is_pin_code_required (boolean) β€” Mandatory setting of the pin code in the application
    pin_code_wrong_limit (number) β€” Max number of attempts to enter an invalid PIN code
    oauth_services (array[OAuthService]) πŸ’₯ β€” External services
    ice_servers (array[ICEServer]) β€” ICE servers for WebRTC
    custom_server (boolean) β€” True for premise installation
    installation_type (string) β€” Name of installation
    installation_title (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Installation title, used on login screen
    custom_app_icon_name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Custom application icon name, if any
    app_login_background (string) πŸ’₯ β€” AppBackground image url, if any
    web_login_background (string) πŸ’₯ β€” WebBackground image url, if any
    is_testing (boolean) β€” Testing installation
    metrika (string) β€” Yandex metrika counter id
    amplitude_api_key (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Amplitude api key
    min_search_length (number) β€” Minimal chars number for starting global search
    resend_timeout (number) β€” Resend message in n seconds if no confirmation from server given
    sentry_dsn_js (string) β€” Frontend sentry.io settings
    server_drafts (boolean) β€” Message drafts saved on server
    firebase_app_id (string) β€” Firebase settings for web-push notifications
    firebase_sender_id (string) β€” Firebase settings for web-push notifications
    firebase_api_key (string) β€” Firebase settings for web-push notifications
    firebase_auth_domain (string) β€” Firebase settings for web-push notifications
    firebase_database_url (string) β€” Firebase settings for web-push notifications
    firebase_project_id (string) β€” Firebase settings for web-push notifications
    firebase_storage_bucket (string) β€” Firebase settings for web-push notifications
    calls_version (number) β€” Calls version. 0 = disabled, 1 = audio only, 2 = audio+video
    mobile_calls (boolean) β€” Calls functions enabled for mobile applications
    calls_record (boolean) β€” Calls record enabled
    only_one_device_per_call (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Disallow call from multiple devices. Experimental
    max_participants_per_call (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Maximum number of participants per call
    safari_push_id (string) β€” Safari push id for web-push notifications
    message_uploads (boolean) β€” Multiple message uploads
    terms (Terms) β€” Team entity naming. Experimental
    single_group_teams (boolean) β€” Cross team communication. Experimental
    wiki_pages (boolean) β€” Wiki pages in chats. Experimental
    allow_admin_mute (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Wiki pages in chats. Experimental
    default_wallpaper (Wallpaper) πŸ’₯ β€” Default wallpaper url for mobile apps, if any
    support_email (string) β€” Support email
    custom_theme (boolean) β€” True if server has custom theme
    task_checklist (boolean) β€” Deprecated
    readonly_groups (boolean) β€” Deprecated
    task_dashboard (boolean) β€” Deprecated
    task_messages (boolean) β€” Deprecated
    task_public (boolean) β€” Deprecated
    task_tags (boolean) β€” Deprecated
    calls (boolean) β€” Deprecated
    min_app_version (string) β€” Deprecated
    file_extension_whitelist (array[string]) β€” File Extension Whitelist
    file_extension_blacklist (array[string]) β€” File Extension Blacklist
    file_extension_whitelist_priority (boolean) β€” File Extension Whitelist Priority


FontColors font colors for app

    text (RGBColor) β€” Text color
    title (RGBColor) β€” Title color
    sub (RGBColor) β€” Sub color
    brand_button (RGBColor) β€” Brand button color
    simple_button (RGBColor) β€” Simple button color
    bubble_sent (RGBColor) β€” Bubble sent color
    bubble_received (RGBColor) β€” Bubble received color


Group chat membership status

    jid (JID) β€” Contact id
    status (GroupStatus) πŸ’₯ β€” Status in group
    can_remove (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I remove this member


Interactive Connectivity Establishment Server for WEB Rtc connection. Readonly

    urls (string) β€” URls


IconColors icon colors for app


Icon data. For icon generated from display name contains Letters + Color fields

    sm (SingleIcon) β€” Small icon
    lg (SingleIcon) β€” Large image
    letters (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Letters (only for stub icon)
    color (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Icon background color (only for stub icon)
    blurhash (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Compact representation of a placeholder for an image (experimental)
    stub (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Deprecated


InputColors input colors for app

    static (RGBColor) β€” Static color
    active (RGBColor) β€” Active color
    disable (RGBColor) β€” Disable color
    error (RGBColor) β€” Error color


Integration for concrete chat

    uid (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Id
    comment (string) β€” Comment, if any
    created (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Creation datetime, iso
    enabled (boolean) β€” Integration enabled
    form (IntegrationForm) β€” Integration form
    group (JID) β€” Chat id
    help (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Full description
    kind (string) β€” Unique integration name


Integration form field

    label (string) β€” Label
    readonly (boolean) β€” Is field readonly
    value (string) β€” Current value


Integration form


Integration kind

    kind (string) β€” Integration unique name
    title (string) β€” Plugin title
    template (Integration) β€” Integration template
    icon (string) β€” Path to icon
    description (string) β€” Plugin description


Complete integrations data, as received from server

    integrations (array[Integration]) β€” Currently existing integrations
    kinds (array[IntegrationKind]) β€” Types of integrations available for setup


Account from other team, Active Directory or node

    uid (string) β€” Account id
    node (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Node uid for external users
    display_name (string) β€” Full name
    icons (IconData) β€” Icons
    teams (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Common team uids, if any


JavaScript Session Establishment Protocol

    sdp (string) β€” Session Description Protocol information
    type (string) β€” See https://rtcweb-wg.github.io/jsep/#rfc.section.4.1.8


Markup entity. Experimental

    op (number) β€” Open marker offset
    oplen (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Open marker length
    cl (number) β€” Close marker offset
    cllen (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Close marker length
    typ (MarkupType) β€” Marker type
    url (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Url, for Link type
    repl (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Text replacement
    time (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Time, for Time type
    childs (array[MarkupEntity]) πŸ’₯ β€” List of internal markup entities


Chat message

    content (MessageContent) β€” Message content struct
    push_text (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Simple plaintext message representation
    from (JID) β€” Sender contact id
    to (JID) β€” Recipient id (group, task or contact)
    message_id (string) β€” Message uid
    created (string) β€” Message creation datetime (set by server side) or sending datetime in future for draft messages
    drafted (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Creation datetime for draft messages
    gentime (number) β€” Object version
    chat_type (ChatType) β€” Chat type
    chat (JID) β€” Chat id
    links (MessageLinks) πŸ’₯ β€” External/internals links
    markup (array[MarkupEntity]) πŸ’₯ β€” Markup entities. Experimental
    important (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Importance flag
    edited (string) πŸ’₯ β€” ISODateTimeString of message modification or deletion
    received (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Message was seen by anybody in chat. True or null
    num_received (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Unused yet
    nopreview (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Disable link previews. True or null
    has_previews (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Has link previews. True or null
    prev (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Previous message id in this chat. Uid or null
    is_first (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” This message is first in this chat. True or null
    is_last (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” This message is last in this chat. True or null
    uploads (array[Upload]) πŸ’₯ β€” Message uploads
    reactions (array[MessageReaction]) πŸ’₯ β€” Message reactions struct. Can be null
    reply_to (Message) πŸ’₯ β€” Message that was replied to, if any
    linked_messages (array[Message]) πŸ’₯ β€” Forwarded messages. Can be null. Also contains double of ReplyTo for backward compatibility
    notice (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Has mention (@). True or null
    silently (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Message has no pushes and did not affect any counters
    editable_until (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Author can change this message until date. Can be null
    num (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Index number of this message. Starts from 0. Null for deleted messages. Changes when any previous message wad deleted
    is_archive (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” This message is archive. True or null
    _debug (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Debug information, if any


MessageColors message colors for app

    bubble_sent (RGBColor) β€” Bubble sent color
    bubble_received (RGBColor) β€” Bubble received color
    bubble_important (RGBColor) β€” Bubble important color
    status_feed (RGBColor) β€” Status feed color
    status_bubble (RGBColor) β€” Status bubble color
    allocated (RGBColor) β€” Allocated color


Chat message content

    text (string) β€” Text representation of message
    type (Mediatype) β€” Message type
    subtype (Mediasubtype) πŸ’₯ β€” Message subtype, if any
    upload (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload id, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    mediaURL (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload url, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    size (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload size, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    duration (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload duration, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    processing (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload still processing, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    blurhash (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Compact representation of a placeholder for an image. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    previewHeight (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload preview height, in pixels, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    previewWidth (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload width, in pixels, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    previewURL (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload preview absolute url, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    preview2xURL (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload high resolution preview absolute url, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload name, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    animated (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Upload is animated image, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead
    title (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Change title (for β€œchange” mediatype)
    old (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Change old value (for β€œchange” mediatype)
    new (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Change new value (for β€œchange” mediatype)
    actor (JID) πŸ’₯ β€” Change actor contact id (for β€œchange” mediatype)
    comment (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Comment (for β€œaudiomsg” mediatype)
    given_name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Given name (for β€œcontact” mediatype)
    family_name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Family name (for β€œcontact” mediatype)
    patronymic (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Patronymic name (for β€œcontact” mediatype)
    phones (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Contact phones list (for β€œcontact” mediatype)
    emails (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Emails list (for β€œcontact” mediatype)
    stickerpack (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Stickerpack name (for β€œsticker” subtype)
    pdf_version (PdfVersion) πŸ’₯ β€” Pdf version, if any


Website title and description

    title (string) β€” Website title or og:title content
    description (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Website description


Message emoji reaction

    name (string) β€” Emoji
    counter (number) β€” Number of reactions
    details (array[MessageReactionDetail]) β€” Details


Message reaction detail

    created (string) β€” When reaction added, iso datetime
    sender (JID) β€” Reaction author
    name (string) β€” Reaction emoji


Reactions to messages: frequently used and all available

    top (array[Reaction]) β€” My frequently used reactions
    all (array[Reaction]) β€” All available reactions


Node (for external users)

    uid (string) β€” Node uid
    title (string) β€” Node title
    enabled (boolean) β€” Synchronization with node works


OAuth service

    name (string) β€” Integration title
    url (string) β€” Redirect url


Active call status

    jid (JID) β€” Chat or contact id
    uid (string) β€” Call id
    start (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Call start
    online_count (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Number participants in call


Contact online status

    jid (JID) β€” Contact id
    afk (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Is away from keyboard
    focused (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Focus mode enabled
    mobile (boolean) β€” Is mobile client


PDF preview of mediafile. Experimental

    url (string) β€” Absolute url
    text_preview (string) πŸ’₯ β€” First string of text content


Push device info

    type (string) β€” Type: android, ios, web, safari
    device_id (string) β€” Device id generated by client library
    notification_token (string) β€” Notification token
    voip_notification_token (string) β€” Notification token for VOIP (iOS only)
    name (string) β€” Readable device name
    data_pushes (boolean) β€” Send silently data pushes that must be fully processed by app. Must be true for modern mobile clients
    data_badges (boolean) β€” Send badge value as data. Experimental
    allowed_notifications (boolean) β€” deprecated


Emoji reaction

    name (string) β€” Unicode symbol


Message receiving status

    chat (JID) β€” Chat or contact id
    message_id (string) β€” Message id
    received (boolean) β€” Is received
    num_received (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Number of contacts received this message. Experimental
    _debug (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Debug message, if any



    uid (string) β€” Remind id
    chat (JID) β€” Chat id
    fire_at (string) β€” Activation time, iso
    comment (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Comment, if any


Server response

    _time (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Server side work time
    ok (boolean) β€” Request status
    result (any) πŸ’₯ β€” Result only if ok is true)
    error (Err) πŸ’₯ β€” Error (only if ok is false)
    details (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Error (only if ok is false and Error is β€˜InvalidData’)
    reason (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Reason (only if ok is false and Error is `AccessDenied`)
    markup (array[MarkupEntity]) πŸ’₯ β€” Reason markup (only if ok is false and Error is `AccessDenied`)


Task project or contact section

    uid (string) β€” Section uid
    sort_ordering (number) β€” Sort ordering
    name (string) β€” Name
    gentime (number) β€” Object version
    description (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Description, if any
    is_archive (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Is deleted


Websocket session

    uid (string) β€” Session id
    created (string) β€” Creation datetime
    lang (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Language code
    team (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Team id
    is_mobile (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Mobile
    afk (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Away from keyboard
    useragent (string) πŸ’₯ β€” User agent
    addr (string) πŸ’₯ β€” IP address


#-link autocomplete details

    jid (JID) β€” Chat id
    chat_type (ChatType) β€” Chat type
    public (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Is task or group public for non-guests
    task_status (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task status (for tasks)
    num (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task number (for tasks)
    done (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Deprecated: use `TaskStatus == β€œdone”` comparsion


Short message based on chat message

    from (JID) β€” Sender contact id
    to (JID) β€” Recipient id (group, task or contact)
    message_id (string) β€” Message uid
    created (string) β€” Message creation datetime (set by server side) or sending datetime in future for draft messages
    gentime (number) β€” Object version
    chat_type (ChatType) β€” Chat type
    chat (JID) β€” Chat id
    is_archive (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” This message is archive. True or null


Small or large icon

    url (string) β€” absolute url to icon
    width (number) β€” Icon width, in pixels
    height (number) β€” Icon height, in pixels


Subscription - an entity that signifies the fact of subscribing to the tariff of any team for a certain period (not defined, in the case of the default tariff)

    uid (string) β€” Subscription id
    activated (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Subscription activation time
    expires (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Subscription expiration time
    tariff_uid (string) πŸ’₯ β€” ID of the tariff for which the subscription is valid
    user_uid (string) πŸ’₯ β€” ID of the user who subscribed


Link to sub/sup task

    jid (JID) β€” Task id
    assignee (JID) β€” Assignee contact id. Tasks only
    title (string) β€” Task title. Generated from number and description
    num (number) β€” Task number in this team
    display_name (string) β€” Title
    public (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Is task or group public for non-guests
    task_status (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Subtask task status


SwitcherColors switcher colors for app


Task tag

    uid (string) β€” Tag id
    name (string) β€” Tag name


Tariff for teams

    uid (string) β€” Tariff id
    title_en (string) β€” Title of tariff in enlish
    title_ru (string) β€” Title of tariff in russian
    price (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Price of tariff
    cloud_space (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Cloud space reserved for storing team users uploads in megabytes
    max_members_in_team (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Maximum allowed number of members in a team
    max_participants_per_call (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Maximum number of participants per call
    max_upload_filesize (number) πŸ’₯ β€” maximum file size for uploading



    custom_color_index (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Custom task color
    description (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task description
    tags (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Task tags
    section (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task section UID
    observers (array[JID]) πŸ’₯ β€” User who follow the task
    items (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Items of the task
    assignee (JID) πŸ’₯ β€” User who was assigned the task
    deadline (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Deadline time, if any
    public (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Is task or group public for non-guests
    remind_at (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Fire a reminder at this time
    task_status (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Task status
    importance (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task importance
    urgency (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task urgency
    complexity (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Task complexity
    spent_time (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Time spent
    linked_messages (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Linked messages
    uploads (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Task uploads


Task color rules color


Tasks counters

    jid (JID) β€” Task jid
    num_unread (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Unreads counter
    num_unread_notices (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Mentions (@) counter


Task filter

    field (TaskFilterKey) β€” Task filter field
    title (string) β€” Filter title


Task checklist item

    uid (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Id
    gentime (number) β€” Object version
    sort_ordering (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Sort ordering
    text (string) β€” Text or β€œ#{OtherTaskNumber}”
    checked (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Item checked
    can_toggle (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I toggle this item
    can_change (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Can I change this item
    subtask (Subtask) πŸ’₯ β€” Link to subtask. Optional


Task sort type

    key (TaskSortKey) β€” Field
    title (string) β€” Sort title


Custom task status

    uid (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Status id
    sort_ordering (number) β€” Status sort ordering
    name (string) β€” Status internal name
    title (string) β€” Status localized name
    is_archive (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Status not used anymore


Task tab

    key (TaskTabKey) β€” Tab name
    title (string) β€” Tab title
    hide_empty (boolean) β€” Disable this tab when it has no contents
    show_counter (boolean) β€” Show unread badge
    pagination (boolean) β€” Enable pagination
    filters (array[TaskFilter]) β€” Filters inside tab
    sort (array[TaskSort]) β€” Sort available in tab
    unread_tasks (array[TaskCounters]) β€” Unread tasks with jid and counters



    uid (string) β€” Team id
    is_archive (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Team deleted
    gentime (number) β€” Object version
    name (string) β€” Team name
    default_task_deadline (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Default task deadline
    max_message_update_age (number) β€” Max message update/deletion age, in seconds
    icons (IconData) β€” Team icons
    last_active (boolean) β€” User last activity was in this team
    changeable_statuses (array[TeamStatus]) πŸ’₯ β€” What status I can set to other team members
    bad_profile (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” My profile in this team isn’t full
    need_confirmation (boolean) β€” Need confirmation after invite to this team
    use_patronymic (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Patronymic in usernames for this team
    user_fields (array[string]) β€” Username fields ordering. Possible values: β€œfamily_name”, β€œgiven_name”, β€œpatronymic”
    display_family_name_first (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Family name should be first in display name
    use_task_importance (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Use importance field in task
    task_importance_min (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Minimal value of task importance. Default is 1
    task_importance_max (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Maximum value of task importance. Default is 5
    task_importance_rev (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Bigger number = bigger importance. Default: lower number = bigger importance
    use_task_urgency (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Use urgency field in task
    use_task_complexity (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Use complexity field in task
    use_task_spent_time (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Use spent time field in task
    uploads_size (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Total uploads size, bytes
    uploads_size_limit (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Maximum uploads size, bytes, if any
    unread (TeamUnread) 0️⃣ β€” Unread message counters
    me (Contact) β€” My profile in this team
    contacts (array[Contact]) πŸ’₯ β€” Team contacts. Used only for team creation
    single_group (JID) πŸ’₯ β€” For single group teams, jid of chat
    theme (Theme) πŸ’₯ β€” Color theme, if any
    hide_archived_users (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Don’t show archived users by default
    pinned (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Team pinned
    available_tariffs (array[string]) πŸ’₯ β€” Team’s available tariff by includig archive ones
    subscription (Subscription) πŸ’₯ β€” Π‘urrent team subscription


Unread message counters

    uid (string) β€” Team id
    unread (TeamUnread) β€” Unread message counters


Short team representation. For invites, push notifications, etc. Readonly

    uid (string) β€” Team id
    name (string) β€” Team name
    icons (IconData) β€” Team icons


Experimental translation fields for β€œteam” entity renaming. Readonly

    EnInTeam (string) β€” β€œin team”
    EnTeam (string) β€” β€œteam”
    EnTeamAccess (string) β€” β€œaccess to team”
    EnTeamAdmin (string) β€” β€œteam admin”
    EnTeamAdmins (string) β€” β€œteam admins”
    EnTeamGuest (string) β€” β€œteam guest”
    EnTeamMember (string) β€” β€œteam member”
    EnTeamMembers (string) β€” β€œteam members”
    EnTeamOwner (string) β€” β€œteam owner”,
    EnTeamSettings (string) β€” β€œteam settings”
    RuTeamSettings (string) β€” β€œΠ½Π°ΡΡ‚Ρ€ΠΎΠΉΠΊΠΈ команды”
    EnTeams (string) β€” β€œteams”
    EnToTeam (string) β€” β€œto team”
    RuInTeam (string) β€” β€œΠ² командС”
    RuTeam (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Π°β€
    RuTeamAccess (string) β€” β€œΠ΄ΠΎΡΡ‚ΡƒΠΏ ΠΊ командС”
    RuTeamAdmin (string) β€” β€œΠ°Π΄ΠΌΠΈΠ½ΠΈΡΡ‚Ρ€Π°Ρ‚ΠΎΡ€ команды”
    RuTeamAdmins (string) β€” β€œΠ°Π΄ΠΌΠΈΠ½ΠΈΡΡ‚Ρ€Π°Ρ‚ΠΎΡ€Ρ‹ команды”
    RuTeamD (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Π΅β€
    RuTeamGuest (string) β€” β€œΠ³ΠΎΡΡ‚ΡŒ команды”
    RuTeamMember (string) β€” β€œΡƒΡ‡Π°ΡΡ‚Π½ΠΈΠΊ команды”
    RuTeamMembers (string) β€” β€œΡƒΡ‡Π°ΡΡ‚Π½ΠΈΠΊΠΈ команды”
    RuTeamOwner (string) β€” β€œΠ²Π»Π°Π΄Π΅Π»Π΅Ρ† команды”
    RuTeamP (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Π΅β€
    RuTeamR (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Ρ‹β€
    RuTeams (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Ρ‹β€
    RuTeamsD (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Π°ΠΌβ€
    RuTeamsP (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Π°Ρ…β€
    RuTeamsR (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄β€
    RuTeamsT (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Π°ΠΌΠΈβ€
    RuTeamsV (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Ρ‹β€
    RuTeamT (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄ΠΎΠΉβ€
    RuTeamV (string) β€” β€œΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Ρƒβ€
    RuToTeam (string) β€” β€œΠ² команду”


Color theme

    BgColor (RGBColor) β€” BgColor for web
    BgHoverColor (RGBColor) β€” BgHoverColor for web
    TextColor (RGBColor) β€” TextColor for web
    MutedTextColor (RGBColor) β€” MutedTextColor for web
    AccentColor (RGBColor) β€” AccentColor for web
    AccentHoverColor (RGBColor) β€” AccentHoverColor for web
    TextOnAccentHoverColor (RGBColor) β€” TextOnAccentHoverColor for web
    MainAccent (RGBColor) β€” MainAccent for web
    MainAccentHover (RGBColor) β€” MainAccentHover for web
    MainLightAccent (RGBColor) β€” MainLightAccent for web
    MainLink (RGBColor) β€” MainLink for web
    brand (RGBColor) β€” Brand color for app
    brand_dark (RGBColor) β€” BrandDark color for app
    brand_light (RGBColor) β€” Brand light color for app
    back (RGBColor) β€” Back light color for app
    back_light (RGBColor) β€” Back light color for app
    back_dark (RGBColor) β€” Back dark color for app
    success (RGBColor) β€” Success color for app
    success_light (RGBColor) β€” Success light color for app
    error (RGBColor) β€” Error color for app
    error_light (RGBColor) β€” Error light color for app
    background (RGBColor) β€” Background color for app
    tab_background (RGBColor) β€” Tab background color for app
    chat_input_background (RGBColor) β€” Chat input background color for app
    substrate_background (RGBColor) β€” Substrate background color for app
    modal_background (RGBColor) β€” Modal background color for app
    title_background (RGBColor) β€” Title background color for app
    attention (RGBColor) β€” Attention color for app
    attention_light (RGBColor) β€” Attention light color for app
    font (FontColors) 0️⃣ β€” Font colors for app
    message (MessageColors) 0️⃣ β€” Message colors for app
    switcher (SwitcherColors) 0️⃣ β€” Switcher colors for app
    button (ButtonColors) 0️⃣ β€” Button colors for app
    input (InputColors) 0️⃣ β€” Input colors for app
    ic (IconColors) 0️⃣ β€” Icon colors for app
    web_base (WebBase) 0️⃣ β€” WebBase colors for web
    AppAccentColor (RGBColor) β€” Deprecated
    AppPrimaryColor (RGBColor) β€” Deprecated


Unread message counters

    messages (number) β€” Total unread messages
    notice_messages (number) β€” Total unread messages with mentions
    chats (number) β€” Total chats with unread messages


Uploaded media

    uid (string) β€” Upload id
    created (string) β€” Uploaded at
    size (number) β€” Upload size in bytes
    duration (number) πŸ’₯ β€” Mediafile duration (for audio/video only)
    name (string) β€” Filename
    url (string) β€” Absolute url
    preview (UploadPreview) πŸ’₯ β€” Preview details
    content_type (string) β€” Content type
    animated (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” Is animated (images only)
    blurhash (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Compact representation of a placeholder for an image (images only)
    processing (boolean) πŸ’₯ β€” File still processing (video only)
    pdf_version (PdfVersion) πŸ’₯ β€” PDF version of file. Experimental
    type (UploadMediaType) β€” ?type=file,image,audio,video


Upload preview

    url (string) β€” Absolute url to image
    url_2x (string) β€” Absolute url to high resolution image (retina)
    width (number) β€” Width in pixels
    height (number) β€” Height in pixels


Upload + ShortMessage

    upload (Upload) β€” Upload information
    message (ShortMessage) β€” Short message information


Account data

    phone (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Phone for login
    email (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Email for login
    family_name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Family name
    given_name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Given name
    patronymic (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Patronymic, if any
    default_lang (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Default language code
    alt_send (boolean) β€” Use Ctrl/Cmd + Enter instead Enter
    asterisk_mention (boolean) β€” Use * as @ for mentions
    always_send_pushes (boolean) β€” Send pushes even user is online
    hide_pushes_content (boolean) β€” Hide pushes body
    unread_first (boolean) β€” Show unread chats in chat list first
    munread_first (boolean) β€” Show unread chats in chat list first on mobiles
    timezone (string) β€” Timezone
    quiet_time_start (string) 0️⃣ β€” Start silently time (no pushes, no sounds)
    quiet_time_finish (string) 0️⃣ β€” Finish silently time (no pushes, no sounds)
    icons (IconData) β€” Icon data


Account data with extra information

    inviter (JID) πŸ’₯ β€” Inviter id, if any
    teams (array[Team]) β€” Available teams
    devices (array[PushDevice]) β€” Registered push devices
    phone (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Phone for login
    email (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Email for login
    family_name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Family name
    given_name (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Given name
    patronymic (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Patronymic, if any
    default_lang (string) πŸ’₯ β€” Default language code
    alt_send (boolean) β€” Use Ctrl/Cmd + Enter instead Enter
    asterisk_mention (boolean) β€” Use * as @ for mentions
    always_send_pushes (boolean) β€” Send pushes even user is online
    hide_pushes_content (boolean) β€” Hide pushes body
    unread_first (boolean) β€” Show unread chats in chat list first
    munread_first (boolean) β€” Show unread chats in chat list first on mobiles
    timezone (string) β€” Timezone
    quiet_time_start (string) 0️⃣ β€” Start silently time (no pushes, no sounds)
    quiet_time_finish (string) 0️⃣ β€” Finish silently time (no pushes, no sounds)
    icons (IconData) β€” Icon data


Chat wallpaper

    key (string) β€” Unique identifier
    name (string) β€” Localized description
    url (string) β€” Url to jpg or png

HTTP Queries


Query parameters for listing messages

  • assignee - * ?assignee=jid,jid

  • created_gte - * ?created_gte=<isodate>

  • created_lte - * ?created_lte=<isodate>

  • deadline_gte - * ?deadline_gte=<isodate>

  • deadline_lte - * ?deadline_lte=<isodate>

  • done_gte - * ?done_gte=<isodate>

  • done_lte - * ?done_lte=<isodate>

  • exclude_task_status - * ?exclude_task_status = new,done | new | any

  • gentime_gt - gentime great than group/chat

  • member - * ?member=jid,jid

  • num - * ?num=num1,num2,num3..

  • observer - * ?observer=jid,jid // TODO: rename to ?follower=

  • owner - * ?owner=jid,jid

  • public - * ?public=true|false

  • q - * ?q=

  • section - * ?section=[ uid,uid… | β€œ-” ]

  • short - * ?short=true|false

  • sort - * ?sort = [ β€œcreated” | β€œ-created” | β€œlast_message” | β€œ-last_message” | β€œdeadline” | β€œ-deadline” ]

  • tag - * ?tag=[ tag,tag,tag… | β€œ-” ]

  • task_status - * ?task_status = new,done | new | any